We’re doing better with MSR reporting though a few chapters are under strength and the USS Thor is MIA. Should anyone spot a starship carrying a big hammer and a metal helmet, please direct them to Starbase 7 so that RC Wayne can talk to their new CO. Their heading toward Valhalla and we’d prefer they take a right turn to Starbase 7.
The USS Top Gun is addressing its lack of MSR reporting. I spoke to their chapter XO and was assured that he will step up to respond to meet the reporting requirements.
Likewise a NY chapter that is currently understrength is working to correct that problem.
Activities for the new year have included post holiday gatherings as well as reorganization meetings of chapters that are setting goals, amending policies and making staff changes and promotions. The year is getting off to a good start.
Meanwhile R7 Command is looking at organizing this year’s R7 Conference which we are running and we’re looking forward to receiving some bids for the 2013 conference and we hear a few groups are considering or working on such bids. That is great news.
As posted on the R7 list, the 10th and final Polar Bear Plunge involving R7 members will take place in Seaside Heights NJ on Feb. 25 during the NJ Polar Bear Plunge. The region supported the cause of the Special Olympics with the Maryland Plunge back in 2002 and it was supported for several years. Challenger and Avenger members took on the mantle in later years and Challenger has been plunging solo for two years now albeit with support from others who have come down to hold towels, donate money and support the effort.
I’ve posted the specifics of what we will be doing this year on the R7 list and feel free to check out the SF R7 FB page and the USS Challenger FB page for all current details. You can also e-mail me at
I hope to speak to you during our R7 meeting at Farpoint in a few weeks so don’t be surprised if I don’t hit up those of you at the meeting for a few bucks to help me gather up my $100 minimum amount required to plunge. Pllleasssssseeee!
Speaking of FARPOINT which is coming up next month. The good folks of Farpoint based in Maryland have once again agreed to allowing us a 9 am meeting and a recruiting table. Our meeting will follow our annual brunch at the hotel restaurant which our RC Wayne Augustson first organized about 4 years ago.
We look forward to breaking bread, spilling coffee and having a great breakfast before our R7 meeting that Saturday morning. At this point, I am planning on attending and seeing those in attendance there, pending weather conditions or if I catch a bad case of space flu as was the case last year (though Emily and I did drag ourselves there missing the meeting but having a great time with our fellow 7th Fleeters).
As always feel free to contact R7 Command via an e-mail or phone call should you have a project idea, complaint, compliment, question or suggestion. We always look forward to hearing from you!
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