Back from Shore Leave 30 !!!
Thanks go out to Matt Moyer for coming and providing your Computer Operations services to the SFI Recruitment table. I want to thank Maryland/Delaware Sector Recruiting Officer Mike Allen for coordinating all aspects of this year's SL recruitment table and the many volunteers we had staffing the table during the last two days of the con. Good job.
More than a dozen new/renewed members of SFI were logged in, which doesn't count others who decided to mail in their memberships. We're even looking at the potential of a Central PA chapter forming in an area where no chapter exists. We picked up two members from the Friday night recruiting panel, they both found homes on two R7 chapters one being the USS Inferno. Kind of funny that a resident of Pittsburgh came all the way to Maryland to hook up and meet members of a Pittsburgh chapter.
It was great seeing old friends in and out of SF and meeting some new friends this weekend. Regarding the election, I can only echo Wayne's sentiments that this was a clean, honest campaign by all involved that brought out many ideas which will be fleshed out within the region to make it a better, more enjoyable experience for all.
I could tell that many of us had a lot of fun this weekend. The Pride of Baltimore celebrated their training cruise launching and the USS DeBraak observed their 5th anniversary. I attended both groups' gatherings as did many other R7 members. it was also great seeing the members I saw from the Inferno, the Sovereign, the Avenger, the Blackheart, the Britannic, Richtofen, Dragonstar, Top Gun, Asimov, Accord, Justice, Flying Fox, Edinburgh, Odin, Matrix, Adamant, Ascension, Alpha Centauri and any other chapter I may have somehow forgotten to list.
Thanks again, Adm. Joe Hoolihan, for serving as RC for the last two years. It is a difficult job for anyone who takes it on and was stated during the standing ovation you got during Saturday's SFI meet, we wish you well in the future and a fantastic vacation this week. That along with a big thank you! That extends to Adm. Beryl Washington who served as VRC or in her own words…VCR.
It was a weekend of fantastic food, friendship, conversations, frosty beverages, many laughs and little sleep, but all the above is typical of Shore Leave which marked its own 30th anniversary. I've been going since SL 13 and as was seen on Friday, have the T-shirt to prove it. It has over the years, become a true reunion ground for fandom but most especially a large gathering place for STARFLEET & Region 7. May that never change.
Okay, I said this wasn't going to be my usual LONG review post so I'm cutting off here and plan to get to bed early to catch up on some lost (but well spent) hours of sleep.
Adm. Bob Vosseller
CO, USS Challenger
"Enjoying its 20th Year of Service In Starfleet"
VRC/TIVO Elect SFI Region 7