Intergalac​tic Food Festival fed the hungry and the needy

I just wanted to thank those who came out yesterday and feasted during the USS Challenger’s annual Intergalactic Food Festival that drew at least 20 people including members of the visiting public to the Seaside Heights Community Center in Seaside Heights N.J. where you could sample “Terra Nova Turkey”, BLT subs (“Bantha Lettuce and Cheese”), “Gold Pressed Latinum” Krispie treats, and we even had some tiny green soldiers encased in orange jello trying to escape…”The Blob”. Ariel and Terri Vitalli provided an incredible Star Trek cake that was among the many desserts we had.

Those were just a few of the main dishes and desserts that filled a very large table during the event. Members of the USS Sovereign and USS Avenger participated in the event and non perishable food (of a more mundane variety) was collected for Project Replicator our program to aid a food pantry in Ocean County. The food will be delivered later this week.

Some of our guests came in some creative attire and I dug out my modified sweater monster maroon (thankful it still fit although a tiny bit snug) while fellow Challenger Patrick Barnes wore the robes of a Jedi Knight for the day.

Fun was had by all as we recalled interesting moments of conventions, R7 conferences and ICs gone by plus we had a lively discussion on upcoming films like John Carter that we plan to see.

The Intergalactic Food Festival always marks a celebration of the end of winter (mild as it is) an open meeting for the public to make them aware of Star Trek/Sci Fandom in the area (and the fact we love to eat) and it makes for one nice gathering of friends and fans old and new.

While the Challenger hosts the event, those who came and brought their food/beverage and spirit to the occasion, helped make it a great experience. There was no lack of food and though we’ve hosted this event for close to 20 years now, it is always interesting to see how creative people can get in mixing and matching actual food to the names of galactic treats we’ve seen in Star Trek and other Sci Fi sagas as well as the creation of new alien oddities.

It proves you don’t have to be a master chef to enjoy this event but creativity is a must and if you are in Starfleet or a Sci Fi fan, there is plenty of that to go around.

Again, thanks for attending and for those who missed it, mark the first Sunday of March on your calendar for next year!

Adm. Bob Vosseller
CO USS Challenger NCC – 1676-D
VRC Region 7