IC Update

Hi everyone,

First of all, for those who missed IC, you can watch the main sessions at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/​starfleet-ic-2011 .

Second, I wanted to let you know about some honors that Challenger members received this weekend:

Laura Victor was promoted to Vice Admiral
Jeff Victor was promoted to Rear Admiral

Laura Victor received the first ever Naval Member Citation from the International level of the STARFLEET Marine Corps for her work on the Web site for SFMC. She also was awarded a 3-year honorary membership in STARFLEET, which is one of the organization’s highest honors.

Also, for their work on IC 2011, the executive committee recognize the following Challenger Members:

Grankite Order of Tactics – 2nd Class:
Bob Vosseller
Emily Vosseller
Julia Victor
Kevin Victor
Ken Diehl

Grankite Order of Tactics – 1st Class:
Jeff Victor
Laura Victor

The one award we were up for and did not win was the STARFLEET Support Chapter of the Year. 🙁

However, our neigbors in R7 also did well. Our friends from the Avenger won STARFLEET Chapter of the Year. Both, RC Wayne Augustson and Pride of Baltimore XO Mike Allen were promoted to Rear Admiral and was recognized with the Grankite Order of Tactics 2nd Class and Britannic XO Mark Van Houten was recognized with the Order of Samaritan. Sovereign’s own Traci Giorganni was also promoted to Commodore and took home the Grankite Order of Tactics 2nd class as well. Mary Ann and Jim from the Adamant and Ascension out in PA were also promoted to Commodore this weekend. I know I’m missing some folks, but it’s all I can remember right now.

I’m sure that Bob and I will be posting a more in-depth review over the next few days, but I wanted to put this information out there as
soon as I was awake and functioning again. 😉

Rear Admiral Jeff Victor
Chairman, 2011 STARFLEET International Conference (Ret.)
Chief of Staff, STARFLEET Region 7
Executive Officer, USS Challenger – NCC-1676-D