SUB SPACE CHATTER: The New Year’s Edition

Written by Laura Victor on February 3, 2013. Posted in Challenger News

Welcome to 2013. We’re about one month into the new year and plans are unfolding for activities of the next 12 months.

As you have no doubt read, RC Wayne has announced Region 7 Activities at this year’s Farpoint convention.

They include:

  • Saturday morning at 8 AM: Our traditional breakfast buffet in the hotel restaurant (Northern Lights).
  • Saturday morning at 9 AM: The Region 7 meeting (Chesapeake Room, I believe).

Of course, we will have our recruitment table throughout the weekend.


R7 Chief of Staff RAdm. Jeff Victor posted the following reminder that the 2014 Region 7 Conference bidding is now open.

Bidding guidelines can be found at

The deadline for bids is May 1. Please reach out to Jeff should you have any questions or concerns.

November Meeting Cancelled Due to Hurricane Sandy

Written by Laura Victor on November 3, 2012. Posted in Challenger News

I know this has been a very trying week for us all.  We’ve had a major disaster hit us in our hometown areas, and we are all still recovering from the shock and sorrow of it all.

To this end, I am cancelling the meeting scheduled for this Sunday.  We don’t have a meeting place at this time, some of us are without power and some of us have been worked to the bone.  I know Bob is at the Governor’s latest presser in Brick and he’s been tweeting throughout the crisis.  We’ve seen many updates from our members through social media and just about everyone has been accounted for. I’ve gotten phone calls, texts and emails from our fellow members around the globe, from the Commander, STARFLEET in Canada to the folks down in New Zealand just making sure we’re OK.  I am happy that we all call this close knit community of members our friends, and that in spite of whatever is going on, that we all can come together in times of crisis.
We all hope that power will be restored soon to everyone, the gas lines will disappear and we’ll begin to rebuild our communities.  I know that this is a daunting process, but there is not one of us who won’t be able to do that.  Challenger has always been more than just a chapter, it’s been it’s own community, and one that stands as strong as anything in this universe.  So don’t worry.  Once things have calmed down, we’ll work to secure a meeting location and lay out our calendar for the rest of the year.
In light of all the terrible after-effects of the Hurricane, I know I can say with confidence that the Challenger is still proud to be the Jersey Shore chapter of STARFLEET and that we’ll be here for a long time to come.
Take care everyone,

SUB SPACE CHATTER The Summer 2012 Edition

Written by Laura Victor on July 20, 2012. Posted in Challenger News

Thanks again for your confidence in us and please let us know what you feel is needed and for those few who opted to vote in the negative, let us know why and what we can do to address your concerns. Wayne and staff coordinate the region through input from the chapters we serve and without that input, we can’t know what you are thinking.
Looking for R7 Conference information? Well here it is. Our R7 Chief of Staff post some information earlier but it certainly warrants repeating.
First of all, as a reminder, the dates are October 19-21, 2012 and it will be held at the Crowne Plaza in Cherry Hill NJ. Rooms are at the rate of $118 per night. To make reservations, please use the following booking link:

The best way to support the conference, if you are attending, is to utilize the Crowne Plaza. The more rooms we have booked, the more money can go to the region’s coffers to support the Awards Program, support charities and do some other great things we’d like to try over the next year.

Registration will be $15 per person for the weekend. To register, you can visit and click on the Region 7 Conference Registration link located on the menu bar on the left hand side. Payment is via PayPal. You must be registered for to register for the conference.

On Friday Night, RC Wayne will be hosting a mixer in his room and you’ll be able to pick up your registration packets. We’ll run events starting at 9am on Saturday and end at about 3pm on Sunday.

On Saturday Night, we will be having a conference dinner for those who would like to attend at a private room at the Red Hot and Blue restaurant located up the street from the hotel at the Holiday Inn. The restaurant selection is tentative at this time. No matter where we go, however, it will be ordering off the menu and individually paying on your own.

For programming, we’re planning on two days of great stuff. Of course, we’ll have our opening session and marine muster, as well as our closing session plus the RC Q & A session. We’re also planning on panels like “So you want to be a CO?”, a Star Trek Online Roundtable, a panel on chapter fictional timelines and other great events. If you have a panel idea, we’d love to hear your ideas and help you put it on! Programming will run from 9:00am to 4:30pm, with a 1.5 hour break
for lunch on Saturday, and from 10:00am to 3:00pm on Sunday. This is your conference, so we want to fill the agenda with panels you want and information you need. Let Jeff, Wayne or I know as we’d love to hear from you.

So far we’re looking at a forum for the new Star Trek film, a discussion of what we know, rumors and what we’d like to see. Another panel concerns “What are you reading?” Not strictly ST or even Sci- Fi, an open forum on what you are finding enjoyable in print and audio novels count too. Another panel is “Favorite Flicks” with another possibly being “What is good on TV these days?” Favorite flicks will be what films you enjoyed in the Sci-Fi, Horror, and Fantasy genre. From Snow White and The Huntsman to The Avengers what worked for you on the big screen.
TV would expand beyond the sci-fi, horror, genre and will include the period of Jan. 2012 up to Oct. 18.
Other panels of a more serious nature include “So you want to be a CO” featuring a frank discussion on the SF requirements and the things Starfleet doesn’t tell you about when you decide you want to command a chapter in Starfleet.
So what are you waiting for…register today!
We love seeing interesting stuff online. Visit our Facebook page and post of a photo or two of your latest chapter event.
Commodore Karen Mitchell Carothers is a member of our R7 recruiting staff and she is looking for photos from you to help in a recruitment project set for Shore Leave in August so e-mail her some of your best chapter event pics showing the fun you are having to her at
The USS Challenger is among those holding BBQs this year. The Avenger is holding their’s on June 23 and the Challenger will break with tradition and hold its annual anniversary bash on Saturday June 14 rather than the 4rth of July weekend. This is the weekend that normally, the region would assemble at Shore Leave but as we know, SL moved to August this year. We decided to hold our BBQ at its usual location of 202 8th Avenue in Ortley Beach on that weekend so as to avoid at least some of the usual holiday traffic to make it easier for our guests. Cost of event this year is $10 to cover food costs. Contact me at 856-495-6476 for your RSVP.

Forget the London Olympics next month, the Spring Trek Olympics was a blast according to RC Wayne and he was even on the winning team. The Maryland based event had a lot of participation, good weather and demonstrated  a true account of the kind of athletic prowess our members have…(not saying that is great prowess but prowess none the less and whoever said SF members are the most physically fit in the galaxy) Fun was the true name of the game and it worked out well.
The R7 Awards program concluded and participation was about what it was last year and awards will be presented at Shore Leave in August.
I am planning to see either Prometheus or Snow White & The Huntsman later today. Amazing Spider-Man is coming up and the third installment of the Batman trilogy is coming up next month as well. It has been a pretty good year for big screen blockbusters. Again, share your thoughts on our R7 listserv and on our Facebook page.
Summer is definitely here and I know many of us are very busy. Have a great summer season and we look forward to seeing you at a future BBQ, convention or other event in the near future.
Keep in touch!