IC2011 Wrap-Up!

We had fun and I hope you made it all home or will be returning safely today.

I’m happy I have today off to recover and have been attending to some post event media releases. Sadly, the segment on us from Friday night will air on Blue Ridge Cable Channel 13 tonight and I don’t know who might be able to even watch it as everyone will be long gone by 10 pm tonight. I’ll request a copy from the station and see where that goes.

All my best to all of you and thank you also for attending yesterday afternoon’s R7 Mini Conference which I know Wayne, Jeff, Joe and I feel covered a lot of ground and we answered a number of questions, inspired some ideas and got the ball rolling towards our Command Summit in November.

Adm. Bob Vosseller
VRC Region 7
CO USS Challenger
Retired IC2011 Program Chair